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All Blogging Tips And Tricks

Tuesday 24 November 2015

How to Ping your blog or website? List of 35 best Ping Sites to Index Your Blog very fast.

How to Ping your blog or website? List of 35 best Ping Sites to Index Your Blog very fast.

The role of backlinks in search engine rankings

Normally Search engines use the number of backlinks that a website has, that is the most significant factors for determining the search engine ranking, popularity and importance. The significance of search engine ranking is pretty high, and to be the crucial parameter in online business and the conversion rate of visitors to any website, particularly when it comes to online business or shopping

Webmasters often employ SEO techniques to increase the number of backlinks pointing to their website. Generally, some methods are free for use by everyone whereas some methods require a lot of planning as well as marketing to work,  linkbaiting is an example. There are also paid techniques, like private blog networks to increase the number of backlinks to get a target site or blog.

I would say that backlinks from authoritative sites on a given topic are highly valuable. A lot of factors have been there to determine the value of backlinking. Let me confirm that if both sites have content geared towards the keyword topic, then the backlink is considered relevant and believed to have a strong influence on the search engine rankings of the webpage granted the backlink.

The role of 'pinging' in backlinks formation which leads to higher search engine rankings

Ping sites submission, an incredible way of making backlinks for your blog or websites. The major advantages of this tool are your blog or website will be among major search engine rankings in a short time. Do not be bothered about your skills or knowledge for doing this, even a schoolboy can make this very easy. You would have to log on each and every ping site and put your site URL as well as title where they asked and press ping button. These tools will submit your URL automatically in major search engine and web or blog directly with the help of backlinks. As far as study as well as experience is concerned the following ping sites are the market best which you can use so easily.

List of best available ping sites: (PR = Page Rank)

1. Pingomatic.com PR 6http://pingomatic.com/ 
2. Twingly.com - PR 6- http://twingly.com/
3. Auto-ping.com - PR 5-  http://auto-ping.com/
4. Feedshark.brainbliss.com - PR 5- http://feedshark.brainbliss.com/
5. Mypagerank.net - PR 5- http://mypagerank.net/
6. Icerocket.com - PR 5- http://icerocket.com/
7. Blo.gs - PR 5- http://blo.gs/
8. Bitacoras.com - PR 5- http://bitacoras.com/
9. Totalping.com - PR 4- http://totalping.com/
10. Ping.in - PR 4- http://ping.in/
11. Pingler.com -PR 4- http://pingler.com/
12. Googleping.com - PR 3- http://googleping.com/
13. Pingoat.net - PR 3- http://pingoat.net/
14. Pingfarm.com - PR 3- http://pingfarm.com/
15. Pingmylink.com - PR 3- http://pingmylink.com/
16. Pingsitemap.com - PR 2- http://pingsitemap.com/
17. Blogbuzzer.com - PR 2- http://blogbuzzer.com/
18. Bulkping.com - PR 2- http://bulkping.com/
19. pingates.com - http://pingates.com/
20. pingmyblog.com - http://pingmyblog.com/
21. autopinger.com - http://autopinger.com/
22. pingtrace.com - http://pingtrace.com/
23. pingthatblog.com - http://pingthatblog.com/
24. pingmyurl.com - http://pingmyurl.com/
25. pingbomb.com - http://pingbomb.com/
26. icerocket.com - http://icerocket.com/
27. blogpingtool.com - http://blogpingtool.com/
29. backlinkping.com - http://backlinkping.com/
30. allpodcasts.com - http://allpodcasts.com/
31. addurl.nu - http://addurl.nu/
32. rpc.weblogs.com - http://rpc.weblogs.com/
33. bulkping.com - http://bulkping.com/
34. blogs.yandex.ru - http://blogs.yandex.ru/
35. 247pinger.com - http://247pinger.com/


If you are facing a low indexing rate of your blog posts, immediately to ping your blog to pinging websites, you will get indexed quickly in search engine results.

Tamanna. J
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